Skin Tightening

Skin Tightening

Welcome to Cyrus Poly Clinic's Skin Tightening Services! Our clinic offers advanced skin tightening treatments to help you achieve a youthful, rejuvenated appearance. Using state-of-the-art techniques and technologies, our skilled dermatologists and aestheticians specialize in addressing loose or sagging skin, whether due to aging, weight loss, or other factors. We understand the importance of feeling confident in your skin, and our personalized approach ensures tailored solutions to meet your unique needs. Explore our range of skin tightening services below and take the first step towards firmer, more radiant skin.


Skin tightening is a cosmetic procedure aimed at firming and improving the elasticity of the skin, typically in areas where sagging or loose skin is a concern. This procedure is often sought after to address the effects of aging, weight loss, or other factors that can lead to skin laxity.

There are various techniques used for skin tightening, including:

  1. Radiofrequency(RF)Therapy: This method uses radiofrequency energy to heat the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production and tightening the skin over time.

2. Ultrasound Therapy: Ultrasound energy is used to penetrate the skin and stimulate collagen production, resulting in tighter, firmer skin.

3. Laser Therapy: Laser treatments can target specific areas of the skin to promote collagen production and tighten loose skin.

4. Microneedling: This procedure involves creating tiny punctures in the skin with fine needles, stimulating collagen and elastin production, which can improve skin texture and firmness.

Skin tightening procedures are typically non-invasive or minimally invasive, with little to no downtime, making them popular choices for individuals seeking to improve the appearance of sagging or loose skin without undergoing surgery.

What are the Benefits and Risks of Skin Tightening?


  • Improved Skin Elasticity: Skin tightening treatments can enhance the firmness and elasticity of the skin, resulting in a more youthful appearance.

  • Reduction of Fine Lines and Wrinkles: By stimulating collagen production, skin tightening procedures can help diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, particularly in areas such as the face and neck.


    • Temporary Side Effects: Common side effects of skin tightening treatments may include redness, swelling, or mild discomfort at the treatment site. These typically subside within a few days to a week.

    • Rare Complications: While uncommon, potential complications of skin tightening procedures may include burns, scarring, or changes in skin pigmentation. These risks are typically minimized when procedures are performed by qualified and experienced professionals.

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How Much Does Skin Tightening Cost in Dubai?

The cost of skin tightening procedures in Dubai can vary depending on several factors, including the type of treatment, the area being treated, the reputation and expertise of the clinic or provider, and the number of sessions required to achieve desired results. Additionally, the cost may differ based on the specific technologies or techniques used for skin tightening.

As of my last update in January 2022, here is a general price range for some common skin tightening procedures in Dubai:

1. Radiofrequency (RF) Skin Tightening: Prices can range from AED 1,000 to AED 5,000 per session, with multiple sessions often recommended for optimal results.

2. Ultherapy (Ultrasound) Skin Tightening: Costs may range from AED 5,000 to AED 15,000 per session, depending on the treatment area and the extent of the procedure.

3. Laser Skin Tightening: Prices typically start at around AED 1,000 per session but can go up to AED 10,000 or more, depending on factors such as the type of laser used and the size of the treatment area.

4. Injectable Treatments (e.g., Dermal Fillers, Neurotoxins): Costs vary based on the type and amount of injectable used, but they generally range from AED 1,000 to AED 5,000 per session.

It's important to note that these are estimated prices and may vary based on individual circumstances and the clinic's pricing structure. Additionally, some clinics may offer package deals or discounts for multiple sessions.

Before undergoing any skin tightening procedure, it's advisable to schedule a consultation with a reputable clinic or healthcare provider in Dubai. During the consultation, they can assess your specific needs, discuss treatment options, provide a personalized quote, and address any questions or concerns you may have regarding the cost and the procedure itself.


Skin tightening procedures are generally safe, but like any medical or cosmetic treatment, they can potentially cause side effects. These side effects are typically mild and temporary, but it's essential to be aware of them before undergoing any procedure. Here are some common side effects associated with skin tightening treatments:

  • Redness: Mild redness or erythema at the treatment site is common after skin tightening procedures. This usually resolves within a few hours to a few days.
  • Swelling: Swelling or edema may occur, especially in the treated area. It typically subsides within a few days but can persist for up to a week in some cases.
  • Sensitivity: The skin may feel sensitive or tender after treatment, particularly to touch or pressure. This sensitivity usually resolves within a few days.
  • Bruising: Some individuals may experience bruising at the treatment site, particularly if the procedure involves injections or if the skin is particularly sensitive. Bruising typically resolves within a week or two.
  • Tingling or Numbness: Temporary sensations of tingling or numbness may occur in the treated area. This usually resolves as the skin heals.
  • Dryness or Peeling: The skin may become dry or begin to peel as it heals from the treatment. Moisturizing the skin can help alleviate these symptoms.

It's important to discuss potential side effects with your healthcare provider before undergoing any skin tightening procedure. They can provide you with detailed information about what to expect during the recovery process and offer recommendations for minimizing discomfort and optimizing results. If you experience severe or persistent side effects after treatment, be sure to contact your healthcare provider for guidance and support.


The duration of skin tightening results can vary depending on several factors, including the type of treatment used, individual skin characteristics, lifestyle factors, and the extent of the initial skin laxity. While some skin tightening procedures may offer immediate results, the longevity of these results can vary. Here's a general overview of how long skin tightening effects may last for different treatments:

  • Temporary Results: Some non-invasive skin tightening treatments, such as those using radiofrequency (RF), ultrasound, or laser energy, may provide temporary tightening effects that last for several months to a year. These treatments typically stimulate collagen production and promote gradual improvement in skin firmness, but maintenance sessions may be necessary to sustain results over time.
  • Longer-Term Results: Certain skin tightening procedures, such as Ultherapy (ultrasound therapy) or certain laser treatments, can provide longer-lasting results that may persist for one to two years or more. These treatments often induce more significant collagen remodeling and tissue tightening, leading to more durable improvements in skin laxity.
  • Maintenance Treatments: Regardless of the initial duration of results, most skin tightening procedures require maintenance sessions to sustain the effects over time. These maintenance treatments are typically scheduled at intervals recommended by your healthcare provider to help preserve the benefits of the initial treatment and address any gradual loss of skin firmness that occurs with aging.

It's important to note that individual responses to skin tightening procedures can vary, and the duration of results may differ from person to person. To determine the most suitable treatment approach and understand what to expect in terms of longevity, it's essential to consult with a qualified healthcare provider who can evaluate your skin condition, discuss treatment options, and provide personalized recommendations based on your needs and goals.

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Rhinoplasty FAQ

Skin tightening procedures typically work by stimulating collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin, which helps to improve skin firmness and elasticity. Techniques such as radiofrequency (RF), ultrasound therapy, and laser treatments heat the skin to promote collagen remodeling, resulting in tighter, more youthful-looking skin.

Skin tightening treatments can be performed on various areas of the body, including the face, neck, abdomen, arms, thighs, and buttocks.

The duration of skin tightening results can vary depending on the type of treatment, individual factors, and maintenance efforts. Some treatments offer temporary results that last for several months to a year, while others may provide longer-lasting effects that persist for one to two years or more with proper care and maintenance.

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Here's a compelling reason to choose Cyrus Polyclinic for skin tightening:

1.Expertise and Personalized Care: At Cyrus Polyclinic, we prioritize your individual needs and provide personalized care tailored to achieve your desired results. Our team of skilled dermatologists and aestheticians specializes in advanced skin tightening techniques, utilizing state-of-the-art technology to deliver safe and effective treatments. With years of experience and expertise in cosmetic dermatology, we are dedicated to helping you achieve firmer, more youthful-looking skin.

This brief snippet highlights the clinic's commitment to personalized care and expertise in skin tightening procedures, which can help differentiate Cyrus Polyclinic as a premier destination for individuals seeking cosmetic dermatology services.

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