Breast Reconstruction

Breast Reconstruction

Welcome to Cyrus Poly Clinic's Breast Reconstruction Service. We understand the emotional and physical journey that comes with breast reconstruction, and our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way. Whether you're considering reconstruction following a mastectomy or seeking enhancement after breast cancer treatment, our experienced surgeons utilize advanced techniques to help you achieve the results you desire. At Cyrus Poly Clinic, we prioritize personalized care and strive to restore confidence and well-being through compassionate, comprehensive breast reconstruction services.


Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure aimed at restoring the shape, size, symmetry, and appearance of a breast or breasts following mastectomy, lumpectomy, or other trauma to the breast. It is commonly sought by individuals who have undergone mastectomy as part of breast cancer treatment or have experienced congenital deformities affecting the breasts.The choice of reconstruction method depends on various factors, including the patient's anatomy, medical history, personal preferences, and overall health. Breast reconstruction can significantly improve a person's quality of life by restoring confidence, body image, and sense of femininity or masculinity after breast cancer surgery or other breast-related issues. It is essential for individuals considering breast reconstruction to have open discussions with their healthcare providers to explore all available options and make informed decisions tailored to their needs and goals.

What are the Benefits and Risks of Breast Reconstruction?

Breast reconstruction offers numerous benefits for individuals who have undergone mastectomy or lumpectomy as part of breast cancer treatment or experienced breast trauma. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Restoration of Body Image: Breast reconstruction helps restore a more natural appearance to the breasts, which can significantly improve body image and self-confidence.

  • Improved Psychological Well-being: Reconstructive surgery can have positive psychological effects, helping individuals feel more whole and confident after breast cancer treatment or trauma.

    However, it's essential to consider the potential risks and complications associated with breast reconstruction, which may include:

    • Surgical Risks: As with any surgery, there are risks of complications such as infection, bleeding, anesthesia reactions, and blood clots.

    • Implant-related Complications: For implant-based reconstruction, risks may include implant rupture, capsular contracture (scar tissue tightening around the implant), and implant malposition.

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How Much Does Breast Reconstruction Cost in Dubai?

The cost of breast reconstruction in Dubai can vary widely depending on several factors, including the specific type of reconstruction chosen, the complexity of the procedure, the surgeon's experience and expertise, the hospital or clinic where the surgery is performed, and any additional treatments or services required.

In Dubai, breast reconstruction surgery costs typically range from AED 30,000 to AED 80,000 or more. However, it's essential to note that this estimate may not include additional expenses such as pre-operative consultations, diagnostic tests, anesthesia fees, hospital or facility fees, post-operative care, medications, and any unforeseen complications that may arise.

Moreover, the cost may vary based on whether the reconstruction is performed using implants, autologous tissue transfer (flap surgery), or a combination of both techniques. Additionally, factors such as the need for nipple reconstruction, symmetry procedures on the opposite breast, and revision surgeries can also impact the overall cost.

To obtain an accurate estimate of the cost of breast reconstruction in Dubai, it's advisable to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can assess your individual needs, provide a personalized treatment plan, and offer detailed pricing information based on your specific circumstances. Additionally, it's essential to inquire about any potential financing options or insurance coverage that may be available to help offset the cost of the procedure.


Breast reconstruction, like any surgical procedure, carries potential side effects and risks. Some of the common side effects associated with breast reconstruction may include:

    • Pain and Discomfort: After surgery, it's typical to experience pain, soreness, and discomfort around the surgical site. This discomfort can usually be managed with pain medication prescribed by your surgeon.

    • Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising are common side effects of breast reconstruction surgery and typically resolve over time. Compression garments and elevation of the affected area can help reduce swelling.

    • Changes in Sensation: Breast reconstruction surgery may result in changes in breast sensation, including numbness, tingling, or hypersensitivity. These changes may be temporary or permanent and can vary depending on the surgical technique used.

It's important to remember that the severity and likelihood of these side effects can vary depending on individual factors such as overall health, surgical technique, and adherence to post-operative care instructions. Prior to undergoing breast reconstruction, your surgeon will discuss the potential side effects and risks specific to your situation and answer any questions you may have.


The duration of breast reconstruction varies depending on several factors, including the specific technique used, individual healing capabilities, and any potential complications that may arise. In general, breast reconstruction is intended to provide long-lasting results that can endure for many years, if not a lifetime.

Implant-based reconstruction: Breast implants typically have a lifespan of 10 to 20 years, although they may need to be replaced or adjusted over time due to factors such as implant rupture, capsular contracture, or changes in breast shape or size.

Autologous tissue reconstruction: Procedures using your body's own tissue (flap surgery) can provide permanent results, as the transplanted tissue becomes a natural part of your body. However, it's essential to monitor for any potential changes or complications that may arise over time.

Regardless of the reconstruction method used, it's essential to maintain regular follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider to monitor the health and integrity of the reconstructed breast(s) and address any concerns or issues that may arise. Additionally, factors such as aging, weight fluctuations, pregnancy, and hormonal changes can affect the appearance of the reconstructed breast(s) over time, highlighting the importance of ongoing care and monitoring.

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Breast Reconstruction FAQ

Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure aimed at restoring the shape, size, and appearance of the breast after mastectomy or lumpectomy, typically performed as part of breast cancer treatment.

There are several techniques for breast reconstruction, including implant-based reconstruction, autologous tissue reconstruction (flap surgery), and combination approaches. Your surgeon will recommend the most suitable option based on your unique circumstances and preferences.

Some individuals may require additional surgeries for revision or adjustment of the reconstructed breast over time. Factors such as changes in breast shape or size, implant-related complications, or desired aesthetic improvements may necessitate further procedures.

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Choosing Cyrus Polyclinic for breast reconstruction offers several benefits and advantages:

1. Expertise and Experience: Cyrus Polyclinic boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeons specialized in breast reconstruction. Our surgeons have extensive training and expertise in the latest reconstructive techniques, ensuring optimal results for our patients.

2. Comprehensive Care: We provide comprehensive care throughout the entire breast reconstruction journey, from initial consultation to post-operative follow-up. Our multidisciplinary approach ensures that patients receive personalized treatment plans tailored to their unique needs and preferences.

3. State-of-the-Art Facilities: Cyrus Polyclinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and advanced medical technology, enabling us to perform breast reconstruction procedures with precision, safety, and efficiency.

4. Patient-Centered Approach: We prioritize patient satisfaction and well-being, focusing on open communication, empathy, and compassion. Our team takes the time to listen to patients' concerns, answer their questions, and address their needs throughout the treatment process.

5. Holistic Support: In addition to surgical expertise, Cyrus Polyclinic offers holistic support services to help patients navigate their breast reconstruction journey with confidence and peace of mind. This may include counseling, support groups, and resources for emotional and psychological support.

6. Positive Reputation: Cyrus Polyclinic has earned a positive reputation in the community for delivering exceptional care and outstanding results in breast reconstruction and other cosmetic and reconstructive procedures.

When you choose Cyrus Polyclinic for breast reconstruction, you can trust that you are in capable hands, receiving the highest standard of care in a supportive and compassionate environment.

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